A Marketing or Brand Strategy takes some rigorous planning, thinking, resources and a good budget to not only develop but also implement. An often not talked about key to a fit marketing strategy is the oversight or management of the implementation process.
Often after an organisation develops a strategy, usually off the back of a planning day, the box gets ticked and can often then be forgotten till the next planning meeting in 6 months or till the next end meeting. Then a quick review and an attempt to align everything that has gone on under the key strategy headings. In other words retrofitting the activity for the sake of the planning session instead of using the strategy as a guide throughout the entire year.
Accountability around the implementation process is a crucial part for all sizes of organisations. It is important that firstly the strategy has been resourced to be implemented and then that it has strong accountability processes, measures and key miles stones in place and a person who will drive that accountability, like a personal trainer drives the accountability of one's personal fitness goals.
In the case of a large organisation, a strategy can go down the priority list with competing priorities, new campaigns, business changes and the day to day tasks. Whereas small organisations having a strategy can be a luxury exercise in itself, or working through how to actually implement it can be a headache and go into the too hard basket.
The intentions are always great at the start, ‘lets develop or revise our existing Marketing Strategy.' Just like having the goal to personally 'get fit and healthy.' The intentions are always good however life or business priorities get in the way and that is where unfortunately a great strategy that may be sitting on the desktop in a powerpoint presentation somewhere, doesn’t get the love and nurture it deserves to deliver the results it was intended to or is capable of.
So like achieving anything in life, it’s important to know firstly what your goals are, the strategy to achieve them and then more importantly how and how often you are going to measure them. With measurement is where the accountability comes in. Who you chose to oversee the implementation process and the accountability you put in place depending on the size of the organisation is key. There are many ways this can be done; using existing internal structures like sponsors, executives, project managers or external resources such as consultants or coaches.
Measuring and reviewing your goals every quarter to half yearly is desirable and monthly is even better. Thanks to the digital age monthly reporting is quick and easy especially for results such as website traffic, social media posts, blogs, videos, click throughs, survey results etc. If this is being monitored regularly, it allows for correction if needed, to ensure the organisation is heading down the right path. Without this the organisation can become stagnant in growth, slowly decline in growth or worse become irrelevant to the consumer. And this won’t get found out till its too late to turn around.
So my top tip for a fit Brand or Marketing Strategy is; ensure you put a bullet proof accountability structure in place to oversee the implementation timings and measures so that the love and nurture the strategy deserves is given to deliver strong results.
With Engergy. And Smiles
Blog written by | Karin Forster, Brand and Marketing Consultant, AMAMI CPM.
Credit: Photo by Bruce Mars on Unsplash