Most people will go out for a meal with someone because they are genuinely interested in them and want to get to know them better to develop a relationship. As real estate agents it is very important you do this with your ideal clients. I hear you saying ‘what?’ Dining with my clients? That's potentially awkward.

The client you dine with is the client you have recently loved working with, the one who you just got along with instantly, could chat for hours and importantly one that you provided a great service to with great outcomes for you both. Remember that - 'like minded people attract like minded people.' Well, what if I told you, you could have a year ahead attracting your ideal client? You would be thrilled wouldn't you? The reality is you can, if you know them. 

Knowing your ideal client or in marketing jargon your Target Audience is the key to every great marketing strategy, plan and or tactic. And to get to know them, a great way to do so is to dine with them or spend time with them.

Over the years marketing has evolved dramatically mainly due to the digital age, however what hasn't changed is  every great marketing strategy, marketing plan and/or marketing tactic has a Target Audience. (For example: Empty Nester Couples, 65-76 years old and retired. Not: Couples, 35-55years old - that is too broad an audience.)

Here are the 3 reasons below we recommend you to dine with your ideal client or Target Audience so that you can really get to know them and attract more of them.

Reason 1 : So you can stay up to date with where they go to get their information.

Knowing what your target audience is reading, watching, wearing, eating, going to get sources of information is critical. If you know this information you can position your own marketing to ensure you are around these sources. For instance if your ideal client is part of the local footy club, there are probably other like minded people who could be your potential customers that also congregate at the local footy club. This could be a great strategy for your marketing plan - to either join the footy club, sponsor the footy club, attend an auction night or even better volunteer to be an auctioneer for their annual fundraiser. 

Other sources of information to check if you know your Target Audience or not are; what are they currently reading - books or magazine? What Netflix show they are watching? What they are Googling and why? What community services do they engage and why? Where do they love to eat and why? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, then I suggest you don’t know your ideal client well enough to effectively market to them. You need to know the answers to these types of questions to know how to best position yourself and to market to them.

Reason 2: So you can share (promote) with them how you make their life easier.

The other important thing to know about your ideal client which you can discover over a meal or even just at a potential prospecting meeting, or Open For Inspection is what their pain-points and challenges are when they are either thinking about selling or during the selling process. Once you know these points, work out how your services can eliminate these pain points or challenges. 

Then look at your existing marketing communications (DL letterbox drops, Emails, Written Profile etc.) that is out in the market and work out which pieces of collateral currently talk specifically to their pain points? Most real estate agents today are showcasing properties they are selling or results and not talking about the pain points and how they make it easier for their clients.

Reason 3. So you know how to appropriately thank them for their business.

Most agents will provide the vendor with a gift at the end of the sale to enhance the customer experience. There is usually a cupboard full of wine, an office calendar or a magnet in the back office that real estate agents can use, as required. However imagine you went the extra mile to think about what your ideal client would love as a gift, that would take the customer experience to a whole new level. If you know who your Target Audience is, the you can be more thoughtful about the experience you will leave with them. Don’t get me wrong a bottle of wine is lovely. However, it doesn’t leave a lasting impression.

For example, if your Target Audience was an Empty Nester and they are a foodie - then perhaps a hamper of the local businesses produce or a voucher to a local restaurant along with a lasting gift like a cookbook would be a more targeted gift offering. That way you can demonstrate you care about your client's interests, as well as support a local business. 


So there are our 3 reasons to dine or spend time getting to really know your ideal client or in marketer’s speak - Target Audience.

With Engergy. And Smiles



Blog written by | Karin Forster,  Brand and Marketing Consultant, AMAMI CPM.

Photo by | rawpixel.com on Unsplash