In 2017 Sodablog has been discussing the 6 key steps to consider before you go to a creative designer to refresh your brand.

In our first blog  for this year we are going to look specifically at the final step in the process. Step 6. Writing a brief for the creative agency. We have spoken to Co-Founder and Creative Director of LBD Studio’s Jessica Longmore to get her insights too on a great brief.

What is a creative brief?

A creative brief is a document that outlines the project objectives, background, requirements, timeframes and budget. It provides the parameters or guidelines to the project for the creative team to ensure the brand achieves the objectives set. It is a critical document that is continually referred to throughout the project process and provides value for both the designer and the client.

When we spoke to brand and graphic designer Jessica Longmore about what she believes a creative brief is, she said that "a creative brief is just that. Brief. It should be short, sweet and to the point. Enough said." Interestingly she also mentioned that in her years of design experience, "not having a great creative brief can waste time and money, and can create huge amount of frustration. Once everyone is on the same page, that’s when I’ve seen the creative magic really happen."

How do you write a creative brief?

When you engage a creative agency to do your rebrand or refresh a professional creative agency will have a series of questions or a brief template that they will ask the client to complete before starting the project. 

A good creative brief will have sound answers to the following sorts of questions;

1/ What is the project, why are your doing it?

2/ Who is your Target Audience? eg.describe age, gender, lifestyle, attitudes, motivations, usage etc

3/ What is the Positioning of the brand in the target audiences mind and market? eg. Premium + high-end luxury good

4/ What is your brands Tone of Voice? eg. Informal, direct, funny, authoritative etc.

5/ What are the brands key messages? eg. tagline, single minded proposition, promise.

6/ What are the mandatory elements of the brand (ie. Things we can’t change)? vision, values, brand name, colours, logo shape etc.

The answer you give in the briefing document sets the direction of the project for both the client and agency. It is crucial that the client knows the correct answers to these questions (and doesn’t just guess the answer or worse make it up) as the project will quickly go off track. Jessica from LBD Studio’s says  "it seems simple and yet often not correctly done as it can be difficult to help the client articulate their answers if not thought about prior or coming from a brand or marketing strategy.'" This is why the 5 steps discussed in the previous Sodablog posts are so critical (see below links to previous posts).

Want to know more?

At Sodablue, we specialise in developing briefs for creative agency’s to ensure a successful outcome for the business goals and for a great creative solution that not only the client loves and gets results from but the agency is proud of too.

If you are wanting to brief a creative agency however are concerned you won’t get the best creative results with the information you have feel free to contact us for a chat and let’s talk about how you can brief an agency with your project successfully. Because sometimes a simple chat with someone makes it all seem a bit clearer.

If you missed the last blog posts below for your reference the links.

Thanks for reading! And those of you regular readers welcome back to Sodablog will look forward to sharing more tips, thoughts and marketing musings over 2018. Enjoy the rest of your January!

With Energy. And Smiles!



The 6 Critical steps to know before you brief a creative.

Step 1. Acknowledge the signs that a refresh maybe in order and start planning resources

Step 2. Start mapping out the brand strategy

Step 3. Know your brands difference and position in the market

Step 4. Make a promise you can deliver

Step 5. Create customer profiles for your target audience

Step 6. Write a brief for the creative agency


Blog written by | Karin Forster,  Brand and Marketing Consultant, AMAMI CPM.