Last time I wrote about some of the new challenges many Marketing and Sales teams are facing thanks to the digital age. Many Marketing and Sales teams are needing to align and work closer than ever before and also with other areas of the business, so that they can lead the organisation with customer insights for key business decision making. This is an exciting change for Marketing, however it means that Marketing departments need to operate differently to how they have in the past and not just focus on the traditional 4 ps.
Today Sanjay Dholakia from Marketo believes there are three types of Marketers needed in a successful team; Thinker Marketers, Feeler Marketers and Doer Marketers. ‘Thinker Marketers’ are those who focus on developing strategy, value propositions, and insights and analyse data. Whereas ‘Feeler Marketers’ strengths are in understanding the customer behavior, analysing it, responding to it and advocating on behalf of it to ensure the organisation understands what the customer wants. Whereas the ‘Marketing Doers,’ are those who manage the marketing projects, campaigns, and help co-ordinate and create content.
Here are some tips to help lead some alignment in your organisation so that it is working towards being a customer-centric organisation;
1. Define common terms
2. Set common objectives
3. Set common measures and tools
4. Establish a structure and process to interact
5. Create Service Level Agreements
Using these tips as a process will allow Sales and Marketing to continue to have a strong, successful lasting relationship.
It would be great to hear what you have done to ensure your Sales and Marketing teams are working well together in the digital age? Send us your thoughts either in comments section below or email us at
Blog post by: Karin Forster